Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christ Koulis Cause of Death Revealed

Dr. Christ Koulis

Christ Koulis cause of  death is now confirmed, it is a massive heart attack.

He died  early Friday morning  at the Northwestern Hospital in Chicago. The plastic surgeon was 42 and from Nashville.

According to Koulis’s lawyer, David Raybin, he  was under tremendous stress because of the accusation he was facing,  following the murder of his girlfriend. This might have led to a  heart attack that took his life. Although he was optimistic that he will win his appeal, he was constantly under stress because he has been out of profession. He was doing nothing of sorts to earn anything and the main cause of it all was that the law was not at all permitting him to.

Dr. Christ  Koulis was charged of unlawful negligence in the murder of his model girlfriend  Lesa Buchanan,   in 2007. He had been crooked of illegally providing Buchanan with drugs three years back whose overdose took her life. 

He was on trial at the time of Bucahanan’s demise in July 2005. He was set free on a plea bond soon after his charges. He had hanged about free, awaiting that plea, devoid of serving two-year verdict ordered by the court.

A video tape that showed Koulis injecting Buchanan with drugs a week prior to her death cemented the charges against him and at the time of Buchanan’s death, Koulis was on probation, but later was set free of the two year sentence court ordered him.


  1. Cook County, IL., Medical Examiner’s Office ruled he died of bronchial pneumonia and opiate intoxication - basically died still a drug addict

  2. It shows demonstrates that he should have been convicted.

  3. He died of pneumonia and opiate intoxication, he was a piece of crap, and a drug addict. He died because he's an evil man. Hope he's burning in hell.

    1. I think the same way you do, he was no good but I as a Christian know that justice was made with him by my lord . I am shite he's burning in the lake of fire.
