Friday, December 6, 2013

Amazon Drones: New Trends In Product Delivery

The U.S. Government is not the only one using drones any more.

To keep up the demands of  Cristmas sale is using drones for faster product delivery. This news has created quite  a stir. While some see and appreciate the techonology involved some, in the other hand, think this doesn't augur well for the future.

Delivery Drones in action Image from USA Today

This system is called "Prime Air on 60 Minutes" by CEO Jeff Bezos.

These "Drones"  can  deliver packages below five pounds within 30 minutes; straight from Amazon distribution centers to customers' door steps. Amazing!

Is Amazon the only one who is in the pipe line? Heck NO! There's others too. As per media reports "United Parcel Service" is now researching for drone delivery systems  too.

The Negative side

Whether this is good or bad it's difficult to say at this point of time. When human work force is replaced by machine there's always a stir. Loss of jobs is the immediate fear in people's mind whenever there's a technological break-through. New technologies always encroached into the territory of human work force, but this enroachment   is completely unprecedented.

But, we've always moved on.

To get other reports about this story check here.