Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mary Lou Henner Can Remembewr Everyday of Her Life

Mary Lou Henner

Mary Lou Henner, an actress on the hit TV series Taxi, appeared on the CBS show 60 Minutes tonight to discuss her amazing memory.

Marilu Henner is one of only six people known to have superior autobiographical memory. 60 Minutes brought five of these people together for the first time.

On the show they discussed their similar experiences and feelings. The discussion included both of some of the benefits and  the drawbacks, to remembering everything. They agreed that it  is an amazing privilege  they enjoy which their friends and families are deprived of.

MRI’s have found that people with this memory trait have a larger than normal temporal lobe and caudate nucleus, which is a region deep in the brain and its enlargement has also been linked to related to obsessive compulsive disorders . 

It is not yet certain  if the enlargements are due to the increased use of the memory or  they inherited it by birth .

Mary Lou Henner  is actually Marilu Henner, though many know her in her former name.

Watch the video here.



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